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Eight pack cream

Eight pack cream
Eight pack cream
Eight pack cream
Eight pack cream
Eight pack cream
Eight pack cream
Eight pack cream
Powerful weight loss cream, burning cream for men and women, burn fat mainly for waist, abdomen, legs and other parts.
 It helps to tighten and lubricate the muscles, promote metabolism, strengthen muscles.
Rapid and healthy weight loss, safe without any side effects .
Effect Burning fat, tighten the muscles.
Suitable for body,builder,men,women,slimmer
Instruction Use this product once a day. After cleaning, apply adequate amount of this product to the belly and waist, massage the waist gently from down to up and massage the belly in circular motions for 10~20 minutes, wash it after half an hour.
This product may have an allergic reaction to a small number of human body, if discomfort, please immediately stop using; it can not be used in the wound or inedible; sensitive skin, please do a good skin test before using, if the red Swollen allergy phenomenon shows after using, please stop using immediately;
Unopened products can be stored for three years, after opening, please use within 6 months.